Corporate social responsibility

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At FRA, we recognize our privilege and the unique role we can play inbuilding a more just and equitable world.

For more than 20 years, we have been putting these core values into practice every day through our work to promote ethical business practices and root-out corruption and fraud around the globe. We recognize our responsibility as an organisation to drive positive change and the 200+ members of the FRA family are passionate about the important role we can all play in bringing about such change in the communities in which we live and work.  

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Through our firm-wide diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiative, pro bono and community service efforts, we actively engage and support our team members so that, together, we can fulfil this commitment and help build a better world. Our DEI initiative leverages ongoing education, focus groups, and honest dialogues to ensure the voices of all of our team members are heard and that we are responding to and supporting the needs of the entire FRA community.

We implement best practices and robust policies to ensure we can attract and retain extraordinary people from broad backgrounds, and offer them a diverse and inclusive workplace environment for the lasting benefit our firm, clients, and communities.


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