Case studies

Middle-East Telecommunications Company

FRA was retained to support one of the world’s largest mobile telecommunications companies in an internal investigation which required an eDiscovery review in the context of alleged compliance violations.


FRA was retained to support one of the world’s largest mobile telecommunications companies in an internal investigation which required an eDiscovery review in the context of alleged compliance violations. The assignment was complex in several regards: the investigation had to be kept secret and knowledge was limited to a very small number of employees; it required an on-site air-gapped solution to address data privacy issues as well as to ensure no possibility of data breach; it consisted of several million documents that were multi-lingual; and the reporting deadline was in less than two weeks.


Due to strict data secrecy requirements, the eDiscovery review required us to install a Mobile Discovery Solution with an air-gapped environment supported by a forensic accounting team familiar with compliance-related issues. To support the review of a large volume of documents in a very short timeframe, we devised a solution that built in Relativity Analytics to isolate the relevant document population down from several million to a handful.


The forensic accounting review of compliance-related issues covered events occurring over 10 years, multiple legal entities and multiple languages. The eDiscovery review was conducted utilizing an air-gapped mobile discovery solution allowing the processing and review of several million documents across multiple custodians. The investigation involved a forensic accounting team, who were able to identify relevant documents, form conclusions, provide findings in a written report and advise the client in next steps on addressing the alleged compliance violations in a compressed timeframe.

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