As specialists in cross-border litigation and multi-jurisdictional investigations, we have extensive experience helping international companies respond to regulatory investigations, conduct internal investigations, and resolve disputes.
As specialists in cross-border litigation and multi-jurisdictional investigations, we have extensive experience helping international companies respond to regulatory investigations, conduct internal investigations, and resolve disputes.
We are experts in analyzing large, complex transactional data sets, with experience working on projects encompassing decades of data and transactions. We have delivered critical evidence to regulators and clients that rely on our experience in complex, long-tail transactional analysis, Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) investigations, disputes, regulatory probes, disgorgements, sanctions, debarment, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and terror financing cases.
How we can help
As a global leader in the industry, we provide the skills and knowledge required to advise our clients regarding data issues which arise from regional data protection as well as state and commercial secrecy laws. We have substantial experience in evaluating companies’ systems of internal controls and their books and records to provide useful analysis and recommendations for improvement.
While we have in-house financial and accounting expertise, we do not offer traditional financial audit or accounting advice and generally have no conflicts. Moreover, we are regularly appointed as independent monitors by regulators or clients in order to evaluate and test the effectiveness of compliance programs.
Our Expertise
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